Sunday, 20 March 2011

The Big Day!!

Well finally she (no name yet) is home. Two hours on the road, much reversing, a trip through the woods and we have a home for the Airstream. Roll on the sunshine.
I have to admit that I never thought this day would come. Apart from the fact it has taken many, many months of weekends to get it in a habitable state, for some reason I was convinvced it would be lying in a crumpled heap along the motorway on moving day! This probably has something to do with the fact that aside from our flat it is the most expensive thing by far that we own, so it a bit nerve wracking when thousands of pounds is hurtling down the road at 60mph.
But it is here now so I can breathe a sigh of relief!

Friday, 4 March 2011

Coming together at last

We are a way from finishing the trailer but it is getting there and I can envisage weekends in it now, which is good as we should be at the campsite by the end of the month! At last!

Retro love

When we got the Overlander it needed lots of work but it did have an original interior. So we have a lovely cooker, some great lights and a beautiful fridge. A really beautiful fridge! But with 2 kids and a 50 year old gas fridge from the USA Pat decided it had to go as god knows whether it was safe.

But after much thought and a lot of work with a hammer, angle grinder and some creative thinking he has kept the door and hidden a smaller fridge behind it. Looks good, works and should be a lot safer than the vintage gas one! It still needs spraying back to the original pink but it is looking good

Wet Weekends

Pat and his brother have been working on the airstream throughout Jan and Feb. They have done loads! We now have a working gas cooker and hob. We have lighting and electric sockets and we have hot and cold pressurised running water. I don't have lots of pretty photos to show all this work but believe me it is pretty cool!